
Friday, March 28, 2014

DIY Faux String Nail Art

The string nail art which belongs to 60s and 70s is back in trend now.I see a lot of DIY string nail art popping in my social media wall .I also wanted to give a try on it.I wanted to do a big peacock string nail art to hang in my living room but when I think of  the weight that a big wooden plank will add ,hammering the nails,someone for help,etc I was hesitating to proceed .Because ,I have to invest in a new hammer just for this project and a big wooden plank would add weight when we want to shift our house.Do you think like me ??Then here is perfect way to do it in a less budget & less hammering with alternate supplies.It is therefore called as Faux string nail art.:) Got it ?? Lets get started.

Material required :
2 Big foam board (I got mine in dollar stores for $1 each)
Push pins
String/woolen yarn
Spray paint/Acrylic paint(Optional)
Duct tape (Optional)

Step 1: Draw the shape you want in a paper/newspaper and cut the outline shape.Keep two foam boards one above the other.Place it on the foam board and insert the push pins along the outline as shown.
I wanted it in gold so I spray painted my push pins in gold.This step is totally optional.You can also use same colored push pins for the whole art to make it look neat.

I think I would have used approximately 80 to 90 pins.

Step 2 : Remove the paper once you complete the outline.Secure a knot in any of the push pin and start winding it in whichever way you like it to fill the whole shape.I made it in a zig zag motion to fill the whole shape.When you are done ,secure it with a knot and trim the remaining thread.You are almost done !!
When I did it for one time ,I felt the gold colour did not pop out so I made it two to three times.If you want to make it look brighter in the first step use a thicker yarn.I add legs and crest later to make a complete look.I got the inspiration to do this peacock by seeing a picture of peacock sitting on a branch of a tree.

This is how it looks after removing the paper.

Left: Gold thread I used
Right: Secure the thread with two simple knots before starting.

After one complete winding of yarn.

 Step 3: Tape the corners with duct tape /any tape to give a framed look.(Optional).You can also use ribbons ,lace or washi tape to decorate the corners.I wanted a gold frame so I use 3 coatings of gold acrylic paint over the duct tape .

Step 4: To hang it in the wall,wind a piece of wire around two thumb tacks and cover it with the duct tape .Yes!!!It worked :) Voila!!!Now the glittering gold wall art is ready to hang!!!

Isn't it so simple?? What shape will you do if you make this ??What do you feel about this idea??Feel free to share your comments below or write to will be happy to hear from you.

Happy crafting!!


  1. Wow! I never would have thought to do this! It's so pretty, though! And gold is trending big time these days! Great job!

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