
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

DIY No sew Ruler cover

I got a new Fiskars 18" X 3" ruler.I could not find a secure place to keep it as it is little larger than the normal ruler.I was hanging it along with my cutting mat and another ruler but I fear it would get scratched.(Normal fear that any human being will have when they buy a new ruler that is little expensive,Do you agree?:)).Also like every others I was trying to keep it inside the plastic cover in which the ruler came , but it was annoying to put inside that fitted plastic cover.So, I came up with idea of making a Ruler cover for my new ruler as well as the old one.
I made a no sew tote bag(If you have missed it,click here) and had some left out vinyl fabric after the project.I used that and glue gun to make the cover.Now to the steps.

Materials required:
Vinyl fabric /Any fabric of your choice .
Glue gun
Ribbon for handle.
Fabric Scissors

Step 1: Keep the ruler on the fabric and cut out 2 pieces leaving around half an inch on all the sides.Keep it right sides facing each other.I prefer vinyl as I can customize according to my taste .You can do it with paint and masking tape(refer No sew tote bag tutorial) or sharpies(Later in this post).

Step 2: If you have another ruler, cut out single piece of fabric in same way and attach it any one of the fabric on the wrong side with glue gun.
Step 3: Cut two small lengths of ribbon for handle and glue it on each side just as we did it for tote bag .

Step 4:Once the glue dries ,turn it inside out.Voila!now you have the ruler cover ready to hold your rulers.

Step 5:I don't prefer a plain fabric ,so I customized it with sharpies.Recently ,I am so obsessed with Zentangle.(If you want to know ,what it is and how to do it,click here WikiHow will explain you.)I wanted to incorporate it in any of my projects so I thought this would be a good idea.If you are like me!Take your sharpies out,let the fun begin !!!!
I started with plain hearts and filled it with whatever stroked my mind at that time.Sometimes it is good to be not planned. :PThe final look is below.Do you like it ?

Some closest shots of my zentangles :)

Isn't it colorful?Once it is all done.Now it is time for the ruler to go to its place.Ta da!

You too got a new ruler ??Already have a ruler and want it to be scratches free??then you have to make one for sure.Will you ?? Or what do you feel about this idea?Now I find it so easy to carry my ruler all around and I am also happy that it got a safe and secure place .
Feel free to share your comments below or write to, I will be happy to hear from you.

Have fun creating one for you !!!Happy crafting!!


  1. Hi Sahana! I'm coming over from the Pre-Blogging group on FB. This ruler cover is so cute, my kids would love to make something like this as they are always trying to make new things. 8-/ lol Can't wait to see more of your creations! Check me out on
