
Friday, March 14, 2014

Glass Etching DIY

I have been collecting some pickle jars, coffee powder containers, tomato sauce container,etc.If you are a jar junky like me ,then this DIY is perfect to turn all those junky jars/container into a beautiful ones.Even if you don't have anything like so you can get something in glass like a vase or a drinking glass and try this glass etching.Lets get started.

Materials Required :
1.Glass jar/Container/Drinking glass
2.Glass Etching cream
3.Adhesive Stencils
6.Masking tape (Optional -not shown)

Step 1: If you are using a old container/jar at home, remove the label by running in the hot water and clean the surface with rubbing alcohol.No worries if you don't have rubbing alcohol,just make sure the surface is clean before you start the process.Peel the adhesive stencil with design of your choice and paste it in the glass container (Picture 1).Make sure there are no bubbles to avoid the etching cream passing through areas and ruin your design.

Step 2:Wear your gloves (Safety First !! :)).Apply a enormous amount of cream covering the whole stencil.Apply the cream in dabbing motion instead of up and down motion to make sure all the areas are covered nice and even.(Picture 2)

Step 3: Allow the cream to rest according to the instructions in the bottle.Mine was 15 minutes.I allowed it to rest for 20 to 25 minutes.There is no problem if you take extra time to wash but surely not within the specified time :).Wash it under the running water.You will now have a doubt ,Is anything happened or not ?? :).(Picture 3).Without much thinking move to the next step.

Step 4: Peel the stencil to see the design etched .If you find any cream left on the design and wash it once more.Voila !!!Now you have a beautiful container with flower etched.I repeated the same design on another side.And now I'm using it to store Ear buds:). Isn't it very simple ???

Another one for mustard seeds.

There are many ways to use this etching .You can simply add a design as shown above or you can spell out a word and customize according to the need.I am going to use the container for storing "Cloves" so I customized as shown below.While using the stencils for separate letters ,make sure you cover the gaps and surrounding areas with masking tape to avoid cream in the gaps as shown below.

If you don't want the above two ways, you can simple add a Monogram.Lets say, if you are presenting a container full of treats for your birthday or Christmas or any occasion to your friend,etch a first letter of his/her name to make him feel special.I thought adding a design around the monogram makes it more interesting!.If you reuse a jar/container to gift someone,paste a scrapbook in the shape of the jar lid to hide the brand name sealed it the jar lid.You can also add a ribbon to bring in the festive touch.

Now all the empty jars got its use :)

Some drinking glasses from my first trial .

Feel free to share your comments below or write to .I will be happy to help you.


  1. Hi,nice tutorial regarding usage of the glass jars...where do we get this glass etching cream?

    1. Hi sharmila , thanks .I actually got mine in My local craft store in US. You can get it in amazon or ebay, because many craft stores in India said 'No' when I asked for it a year ago.

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  3. I am really enjoying your tutorials on all the different craft ideas you have! Your directions and pictures have been very clear and helpful on every craft idea I have read about so far. I really like this reuse of glass jars and I plan on trying to find the etching cream in a nearby store. :)

    1. Thank you very much for taking time to comment :) Your comment made my day :) Appreciate it Ms.Unknown :)
