Welcome to my Blog Hop!!
This is a kind of post which is spreading around the blogsphere, where one of the fellow blogger friend tag us and we need to answer 4 questions about our self and the blog.At the end we need to tag some of our fellow blogger friends.
It is actually a chance to share many things about me and my works behind the scenes to help my readers know more about me than the normal me.
I am glad that I was tagged by my blogger friend Gina from Gina's craft corner.She makes beautiful bags and also shares some great sewing tutorial.You can check her blog hop post ,here.
Now to the questions part,
Q1 : What am I working on ?
Currently , I am working on a twine project to share with you all on Wednesday.
And also I am working on a sewing project.Guess what ?? It is on" How to sew to iPad cover".It is not fully completed .I am trying to incorporate some magnets in it just as in apple smart cover to make the on/off process automatic.You will probably know the end result on this friday, whether it was a success or not.
Q2 : How my works differs from others in my genre ?
Instead of explaining how I differ , I will say how I am unique in my ways.(I believe everyone has their own style and everyone is unique in their own way).Because when an idea suddenly strikes and I go Google to see whether somebody has already thought about it and when ten results pop, then I feel like Oh god! I thought I am the only one. But I will gain the satisfaction only when I incorporate the particular idea in my own style that nobody has done before.I will tell you some examples from my recent DIYs here,
My DIY Hershey's pillow,
When I thought of the Hershey's pillow, I googled and saw many hershey's pillow popping up.Those were with just Hershey's in it but I incorporated it in my DIY in a different style like below,
As it was an anniversary gift to my husband and he likes Hershey's kisses a lot , I made a Hershey's pillow with my style twist to say the chocolate is as sweet as my husband ;) .
I always wanted to give unique DIY's ideas to my readers ,that makes my works different from others. Even though there will be 100s and 1000s of ideas around the internet for a every single thing you search , there will definitely be one unique thing in my DIYs. For example, there can be a lot of pen holder ideas out there, but how about this Candy Crush Pen holder ??When I google it , this image comes first and there I gain the idea satisfaction. :)May be you try it and see, what happens!! .
Q3 : Why do you write/Create what I do ?
Simple.Before I started blogging ,I was just posting my creations in facebook and many started asking me " How to do" .So,I ended up in blogging. When I get comments and appreciations for my works , I get motivated and create more and so I write more.
And now I absoultely love it :)
Q4 : How does my creative process work ?
---> Almost 90% of my DIYs arises out of need like, may be I need a gift to give my friend or our house walls are craving for some wall art or our photos are crying to be sitting in hard disk for long time or may be I am aiming for some contest or trying something with my new sewing machine .(Yay!!I got a new machine as my birthday gift :)).
---> After selecting the one which I wanted to make , I will start sketching the ideas in my notebook , look for inspirations . Once I am satisfied with the idea. I will list out the items that need to bought for making it.
If you ask me where I look for inspirations.I would say everywhere and you can even find it in your closet, yes!!Believe me!!
---> Once I got all the items ready, then I start the creating process.Not all the projects go in the way I think.Some end up in failure and some in totally different angle. I will try to find out a way to fix it and share the experience with you like my first dyeing experience,here. Also Some tips here and there to make the creating process easy for you.
Like in my last post , I got a thin cork board for fridge magnet and it was curling while working on it so I put the board in between heavy books to make it straight.I don't want you to undergo the same pain and so I mentioned there (I would recommend you to buy a thicker board).
Asking me about failure projects ??
I have a couple of failure projects and I am trying the right way to make it success so that I can share both the experience with you - Like "What to do and what not to do".
And that is it from my side.Hope you enjoyed knowing about me and my creative process.If you have any other questions ,feel free to ask them in the comments below or write them to vikalpah@gmail.com.I always happy to answer you.
I am tagging two of my blogger friends,
Roopini from Let's make it lovely --> She really makes lovely things.If you enjoy DIY projects I am sure you will enjoy her blog, too. Check her blog ,she even made a beautiful bag recently.
Kristen from The road to domestication --> She is a versatile blogger.She gives awesome recipes ,organizing tips ,photography ideas , product reviews and lot many.Check her blog for more awesomeness.
This is a kind of post which is spreading around the blogsphere, where one of the fellow blogger friend tag us and we need to answer 4 questions about our self and the blog.At the end we need to tag some of our fellow blogger friends.
It is actually a chance to share many things about me and my works behind the scenes to help my readers know more about me than the normal me.
I am glad that I was tagged by my blogger friend Gina from Gina's craft corner.She makes beautiful bags and also shares some great sewing tutorial.You can check her blog hop post ,here.
Now to the questions part,
Q1 : What am I working on ?
Currently , I am working on a twine project to share with you all on Wednesday.
And also I am working on a sewing project.Guess what ?? It is on" How to sew to iPad cover".It is not fully completed .I am trying to incorporate some magnets in it just as in apple smart cover to make the on/off process automatic.You will probably know the end result on this friday, whether it was a success or not.
Q2 : How my works differs from others in my genre ?
Instead of explaining how I differ , I will say how I am unique in my ways.(I believe everyone has their own style and everyone is unique in their own way).Because when an idea suddenly strikes and I go Google to see whether somebody has already thought about it and when ten results pop, then I feel like Oh god! I thought I am the only one. But I will gain the satisfaction only when I incorporate the particular idea in my own style that nobody has done before.I will tell you some examples from my recent DIYs here,
My DIY Hershey's pillow,
When I thought of the Hershey's pillow, I googled and saw many hershey's pillow popping up.Those were with just Hershey's in it but I incorporated it in my DIY in a different style like below,

As it was an anniversary gift to my husband and he likes Hershey's kisses a lot , I made a Hershey's pillow with my style twist to say the chocolate is as sweet as my husband ;) .
I always wanted to give unique DIY's ideas to my readers ,that makes my works different from others. Even though there will be 100s and 1000s of ideas around the internet for a every single thing you search , there will definitely be one unique thing in my DIYs. For example, there can be a lot of pen holder ideas out there, but how about this Candy Crush Pen holder ??When I google it , this image comes first and there I gain the idea satisfaction. :)May be you try it and see, what happens!! .

Q3 : Why do you write/Create what I do ?
Simple.Before I started blogging ,I was just posting my creations in facebook and many started asking me " How to do" .So,I ended up in blogging. When I get comments and appreciations for my works , I get motivated and create more and so I write more.
And now I absoultely love it :)
Q4 : How does my creative process work ?
---> Almost 90% of my DIYs arises out of need like, may be I need a gift to give my friend or our house walls are craving for some wall art or our photos are crying to be sitting in hard disk for long time or may be I am aiming for some contest or trying something with my new sewing machine .(Yay!!I got a new machine as my birthday gift :)).
---> After selecting the one which I wanted to make , I will start sketching the ideas in my notebook , look for inspirations . Once I am satisfied with the idea. I will list out the items that need to bought for making it.
If you ask me where I look for inspirations.I would say everywhere and you can even find it in your closet, yes!!Believe me!!

I did this bookmark inspired from my half zipped hoodie hanging in my closet.Do you believe me now ??Inspirations are everywhere from the water droplets to the clothes in your closet.You just need right eyes to get inspired.
---> Once I got all the items ready, then I start the creating process.Not all the projects go in the way I think.Some end up in failure and some in totally different angle. I will try to find out a way to fix it and share the experience with you like my first dyeing experience,here. Also Some tips here and there to make the creating process easy for you.
Like in my last post , I got a thin cork board for fridge magnet and it was curling while working on it so I put the board in between heavy books to make it straight.I don't want you to undergo the same pain and so I mentioned there (I would recommend you to buy a thicker board).
Asking me about failure projects ??
I have a couple of failure projects and I am trying the right way to make it success so that I can share both the experience with you - Like "What to do and what not to do".
And that is it from my side.Hope you enjoyed knowing about me and my creative process.If you have any other questions ,feel free to ask them in the comments below or write them to vikalpah@gmail.com.I always happy to answer you.
I am tagging two of my blogger friends,
Roopini from Let's make it lovely --> She really makes lovely things.If you enjoy DIY projects I am sure you will enjoy her blog, too. Check her blog ,she even made a beautiful bag recently.
Kristen from The road to domestication --> She is a versatile blogger.She gives awesome recipes ,organizing tips ,photography ideas , product reviews and lot many.Check her blog for more awesomeness.
Wow! Sahana, Your zipper Bookmark inspired from your wardrobe shows how creative you are! I am thrilled. You have a great talent girl! And thanks for the tag :)
Let's Make It Lovely
Thank you for the compliments girl :)
DeleteOh, I love all of your stuff :) And you're so sweet to tag me, thank you!
ReplyDeleteHa!!Thank you Kristen :) I am glad that you like my stuffs :)
DeleteThe bookmark made me laugh! LOL ... How did you know I fall asleep reading a lot? Cute projects. What a fun Blog Hop.
Life With Lorelai
He he :) It is most common in my case Lorelai :) Thank you :)
DeleteI love that Hershey pillow, it's adorable! I have a cousin that would die for that pillow. She's obsessed with all things chocolate.
ReplyDeleteWow that is great to hear :)Thank you Rochelle :)
DeleteI came to your blog from the Home Matters Linky PArty.
ReplyDeleteAll your ideas are great. I especially love the book mark!
my blog is www.purpleslobinrecovery.wordpress.com
Thank you so much Melinda :) Will come visit your blog :) Thank you for stopping by :)
DeleteYou always have nice creative ideas to share. I remember the Hershey's pillow! Thank you for sharing with us at Home Matters!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind words Shirley :)
DeleteI love this post! So nice to get to know you better. :) Thanks for participating!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
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