
Monday, November 3, 2014

Bloggers Brags Weekly Pinterest Party [Co-Hosting Week -1]

Welcome to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest party

Bloggers Brags logo 
Hello Everyone !!!This time it is a new kind of party that I am co-hosting, meaning it is a "Pinterest Party" where each of your pin linked up gets pinned to a board of nearly 1000 followers.I am co-hosting this party every Monday for 2 months (November and December) . And I will also be picking some features each week so be sure to come back & check whether you are featured:).Really excited to see your pins and start the pinning.If you are new to my blog "A Warm Welcome :)" to you.

Here are this week's 

Featured Posts from the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party

Here are the posts that received the most clicks last week!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Rules of the Bloggers Brags Weekly Pinterest Party


  • Be a follower of your hosts on at least one of their social media:
Pinterest Party Hosts Are...hosts of Bloggers Brags
{Misty from  Denverista @ Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Google+}      
{Tammy from Creative K Kids @ Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Google+}

Your Co-hosts for November and December!   Please follow on at least one social media or by subscribing to their emails!

{Tammy from Thinking Outside the Sandbox FamilyFacebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Google+ or Instagram} Tammy from Creative K Kids is a contributor for TOTS Family, so she will be posting the posts over there to gain the party extra exposure and will be doing the pinning and commenting for them!
{Sahana from VikalpahFacebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Google+ or Instagram}
  • Pin our Pinterest party button or a visible link onto your sidebar, post, or party page. This will help others to find our party and will bring more visibility to your links! 
Creative K Kids
  • Please make sure that you link directly to your post’s URL and not to your blog’s URL.
  • Pin the two links before yours! If EVERYONE pins, then everyone will get more Pinterest love. 
  • Link up a maximum of 3 links. They can be old or new–they’re all new to us, and we want to see them!  Please link up posts only one time to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party.
  • All posts must be family-friendly.  If you link up an post that contains alcohol, it may not get pinned if it goes against the hosts/co-host's beliefs.
  • OPTIONAL: Follow our Bloggers Brags Board on Pinterest. You don’t have to do this; but of course, you’ll want to! We will be pinning all of these links to that board which will also gain more exposure for you! You can find the Bloggers Brags board here. 
      Here are just a few more details!  
  • If your post is featured, you can grab this button!
Creative K Kids
  • Disclosure: By linking up and including a picture, you agree to Creative K Kids and Denverista and any co-hosts to use your pictures and links in any future posts on any of their personal blogs. Your photo may also be used for promotion on all social media outlets of Creative K Kids and Denverista as well as any future co-hosts.  We also may link your printables and other resources up to our permanent linkys to gain you more exposure. 
  • If you include your e-mail in the linky form below you will be added to a weekly reminder e-mail when the link party goes live. Your e-mail will not to added to any other lists or given out.  
  • Please do not add any shops, reviews, giveaways or link-up parties.  Links that do not comply may be removed.


  1. I love this party - so glad you're hosting! And I love the new look here on your blog - fabulous!

    1. Thank you Kristen :) Special Thank you for your comments on look :)

  2. Thank you for co-hosting! It is so much fun, and we are thankful for your help!

    1. You're welcome Tammy :)Thank you for the opportunity :)

  3. Hello sweet lady! Thank you for hosting such a great party. I love stopping by each week. I hope you get a chance to stop by our party, tonight at 7 pm. We would really appreciate it.
    Happy Monday! Lou Lou Girls

  4. Sahana, look at you and your beautiful new blog! I love it. I will have to come back and party with you tomorrow. :)

    Life With Lorelai

  5. Wow! whattay makeover...loving the new look Sahana!! Also, great party.. Have linked up my custard cookies :)

  6. Glad you can join this party, Sahana! Love your new blog design!
