
Friday, March 27, 2015

DIY Faux Agate Coasters

Has spring started already where you live ? For us in New york , it seems like it has started but we still don't feel like it is spring as the forecast says it is going to snow again next week. (oh no !! we want Mr.sun to show some mercy on us :( ) But , we are sure one day we will also get into spring and summer eventually. Summer means some outdoor fun .So, if you are hosting a party and want to add something different to your table setting ,then I got you covered. I came across these  agate coasters and agate pendant and pinned them to my Pinterest board. Ask me why ? Because they were unique and I liked the look of the agate stone but the price tag was like $60 , $95. I am like no way I will buy this for that much money. So, I thought I can mimic the look with my favorite medium ,polymer clay .I tried it and it worked. Here is how.

Materials required :
Premo Sculpey Translucent 2oz   - 1 block
Premo Sculpey White 2 oz           - 1 block
Premo Sculpey  Black 2 oz           - 1 block (You can choose any other color instead of black)
Premo Sculpey  *Gray  2oz          -  Half block
Premo Sculpey  *Silver 2oz         -  Half block
Premo Sculpey  Gold  2oz           - Half block
Rolling pin
A piece of aluminum foil

* I preferred gray and silver as they are lighter shades of black but you can use the base color you selected and mix pearl white or white to get lighter shades of the main color you are choosing and use that color instead of gray and silver.In that case, you need 2 blocks of the main color.
* I have mentioned Premo Sculpey as I have used it personally and it is the strongest of all the clay that I have used but it is up to you to chose different brand.

Inspiration :

Step 1: Cut a 1/4 block of translucent clay and condition it by kneading the clay using the rolling pin.Do the same for the white clay.

Step 2: Take some random pieces of white clay and place them over the rolled sheet of translucent clay and then roll it. This is done to get random white parts in translucent clay. Shape the roll into an oval tube for the center. You can also make them circle but again it is up to you.

Step 3: Next cover it with the white sheet of clay and poke randomly with the back of a pen just to create curves or waves in the coasters.This is an optional step. You can see the effect for this in the final step. If you like that you can do or proceed to the next step.

Step 4: Start covering  the roll with sheets of clay in shades of the main color. In my case it is black so ,I covered with light gray, dark gray, translucent, translucent mixed with light gray , etc.Do this till you get the required size for a coaster.

Step 5 : Cover the roll of clay with a sheet of gold clay if you want gold edges for your coasters.

The sliced piece is without the gold edge. 

Step 6 : Use the knife and carefully cut them into slices. I was little impatient to see how it looks and so I got some random agate pieces ;) and four complete coasters. But if you carefully slice it , you can get six to eight coasters.

Step 7 : Take the piece of aluminum foil and crush it. Use that to create the crinkled texture on the edges of the coasters.

Step 8: Bake the coasters at 275F for 30 to 45 minutes.(Refer to the package) Allow them to cool down. Voila !! You now have a set of unique coasters to add to your table setting for your next outdoor party.

How interesting was that tutorial ?? You can also make these set of coasters and tie it with a ribbon to give as a hostess gift. If you have leftover pieces of faux agate , you can make them into pendants. To create the look of the pendant shown in the intro link, use xacto knife and cut a random shaped oval piece and use aluminum foil to create a crinkled effect, attach an eye pin at the top and bake it to create the pendant.It is that easy :). Hope you will give this a try. As always I will be happy to hear your comments about this faux agate coasters.


  1. Ah, it's been a while since I popped by for one of your posts, my friend! These are gorgeous, of course! I like them better than the real thing!

  2. Ha! How clever! I wonder if you could make these with dough and fondant as agate cookies? I have friends with the last name Agate, so this would make a really neat gift for them.

  3. Popping over from City of Links =) I love these, pinning now. Be sure to share your recipes, crafts, upcycles & DIYs at Two Uses Tuesday (Mon 8pm EST to Fri 11pm EST) over at Sarah Celebrates if you don't already!

    1. Thank you for the invite sarah :) I will add your party to the list and will sure visit :)

  4. That looks amazing!

    I hope you will share your coasters with our Link Up - Idea box:


  5. So creative! Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty :)

  6. Oh my gosh- absolutely gorgeous! You are so very talented. :) So glad you linked up to Snickerdoodle Sunday- hope to see you again this weekend!

    Sarah (Sadie Seasongoods)

  7. I love how they look. I wish I am so talented :) Thank you for joining us at the Oh My Heartsie Girl Wordless Wednesday!

  8. Oh these are nice! I just made a roundup of DIY coasters for a website I am writing for. Too bad I didn't saw this before! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party. I have pinned your post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.

  9. Wow this looks amazing great share!!!! just saved :)

  10. Hmm, the closest I've come to working with clay is my kids play doh! These have turned out fabulous!

  11. Stunningl project! I love agates and those are so perfect! Thanks for sharing this lovely idea!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs and love from Portugal,
    Ana Love Craft

  12. I can't believe these are made from clay! They look incredible! Thank you for linking up at Creative Spark last week. I'm featuring these coasters today. Hope you'll join us again this week!

  13. That is so beautiful!! I always love seeing that type of rock, but never thought of making my own!! :) #HomeMattersParty

  14. Thank you for sharing these beautiful coasters.

  15. What an incredible talent you have. I loved your coasters and would love to try this :) Thanks for co-hosting with me at the #HomeMattersParty. Hope to see you next week.

  16. What a cool idea! These would definitely turn a coaster into a conversation piece. Thanks for sharing and co-hosting at the #HomeMattersParty - we appreciate you! :)

    Life With Lorelai

  17. I'm think these would absorb moisture, unlike my painted ones that lift up with the glass.

  18. What a fun idea. I love using polymer clay. Thanks for sharing at #HomeMattersParty

  19. These look like the real thing! What a cool clay craft, you are so creative! #HomeMattersParty

  20. These look terrific. That wave creation with the pen can be don at any step of the process. I think the more layers it includes, the more authentic it looks. Thank you for sharing this idea with the rest of us.

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